
Roanoke City Puts Out Call For Stormwater Inlet Artists

The City of Roanoke’s Stormwater Utility, along with the Roanoke Arts Commission, is inviting artists to submit ideas for stormwater inlet art.
As the saying goes, a picture is worth a thousand words. Stormwater inlet art draws attention to storm drains “hidden” within the city sidewalks while raising awareness about stormwater pollution. There is a $400 honorarium per storm drain, with all materials supplied and cash prizes for people’s choice awards.

Few people realize that litter, trash, and other pollution sources like sediment, bacteria, oils, and yard waste left on city streets wash untreated into the nearest creek, stream, or the Roanoke River.
The project is intended to change residents’ behaviors by bringing awareness to the importance of keeping these elements out of our stormwater. This is the second round of the project, which first engaged five regional artists in 2018 as a way to encourage the prevention of stormwater pollution in Roanoke’s waterways.

Donald Wolfe

Donald’s writings have appeared in HuffPost, Washington Examiner, The Saturday Evening Post, and The Virginian-Pilot, among other publications. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia. He is the Virginian Tribune's Publisher.

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