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New trendy place in Roanoke: Hot pretzels and cold beer now offered in Hot Knots, our new favorite place to be

Ah, hot pretzels and cold beer, a match made in heaven, a duo that has been tantalizing the taste buds of beer lovers in Germany for centuries. But why is this combination so popular, you ask? Well, let me paint you a picture.

Imagine a bustling beer garden in the heart of Munich, the air filled with the sound of clinking glasses and the smell of freshly baked pretzels. You take a seat at a wooden table under a chestnut tree, and a friendly waiter comes over with a cold, frothy beer in a heavy glass stein. As you take a sip of the crisp, refreshing brew, you notice the steam rising from a piping hot pretzel that the waiter has just brought out of the oven. You tear off a piece of the warm, doughy pretzel, dip it into a tangy mustard, and savor the contrast of the salty crust and soft interior against the cool, effervescent beer.

But there’s more to this pairing than just the sensory experience. The hot pretzel and cold beer combination has cultural significance in Germany, where beer is a beloved part of the national identity. Pretzels, too, have a long history in the country, symbolizing good luck, prosperity, and bakers’ guilds. Together, they represent a quintessential aspect of German cuisine and culture, a symbol of conviviality and communal gathering.

Whether you’re enjoying a hot pretzel and cold beer in a cozy pub or a raucous beer festival, you’re partaking in a tradition that stretches back centuries, and that continues to bring people together to celebrate good food, good drink, and good company.

Maggie Perrin-Key and Alex Eliades, Roanoke residents, know that most of us would enjoy this combo and decided to start something new and refreshing and our beloved Roanoke. Their dream of owning an eatery became reality early this month with the opening of Hot Knots – your new favorite place to be every day, especially during the weekend with your friends.

“Alex made pretzels for Bread Craft every October. Last year, he did pretzel sandwiches too. And I said ‘These are really good. You need to make these available all the time. It was about two weeks later, I said, ‘Babe, why don’t we start a pretzel business? Would you like to start a pretzel business?’”, the couple recalled.

Their unshakeable business partnership mirrors the strength of their personal bond, as they forge ahead with unwavering focus and determination. During their auspicious debut at Golden Cactus, the dynamic duo sold out their enticing offerings with impressive speed, taking a mere hour and a half to clear the shelves.

Having gleaned insights from their global travels, they have discovered the perfect pairing of beer and pretzels – a match made in culinary heaven. Their complementary skill sets – one a master baker, the other a talented artist – only enhance the excellence of their creations, producing a synergy that exceeds the sum of its parts.

Through their passion and dedication, they have cultivated a loyal following and a sterling reputation, with customers returning time and again to savor their delectable wares. In a world that often prizes speed and convenience over quality and craft, their commitment to excellence serves as an inspiration and a beacon of hope for all those who value artistry and authenticity.

Indeed, their partnership represents the ultimate fusion of creativity, business acumen, and culinary expertise, a shining example of the power of collaboration and shared vision.

Perrin-Key says, “I care a lot about how it looks. He cares a lot about how it tastes.”

Once the proofing process is complete, the couple deftly dips and salts each pretzel before sliding them into the cavernous oven. As the heat suffuses the dough, a radiant golden hue blooms across the surface of each pretzel, as if imbued with an ethereal glow. Upon being pulled apart, the pretzels reveal a tender and delicate crumb that melts in the mouth.

Depending on whether the pretzels are being sold individually or as part of a sandwich, their designs vary accordingly, reflecting the artistry and attention to detail that imbue every aspect of the couple’s craft. Through their unwavering commitment to quality and creativity, they have transformed a humble snack into a culinary masterpiece, capturing the hearts and taste buds of all who encounter their sumptuous creations.

“We’ve got a chive butter, a mustard butter and then obatzda, which is a German cheese spread. The sandwiches are going to be ham and pickle with gruyere and mustard butter. Gravlax sandwich with chive butter and capers and then a turkey with obatzda and winter radishes.”

Now that the first event is out of the way, you can look for future pop-ups by following along on Hot Knots Instagram.

Gayle Gordon

As a college student, making an extra buck now and then was very important. I started as a part-time reporter since I was 19 yo, and I couldn’t believe it might become a long-time career. I'm happy to be part of the Virginian Tribune's team.

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