
‘I was terrified’ | Wife of Norfolk cop accused of killing Chesapeake man testifies in court

CHESAPEAKE, Va. — Norfolk Police Officer Edmund Hoyt is facing a voluntary manslaughter charge after police officers say he shot and killed Kelvin White while off duty in Chesapeake.

The defense claims White threatened Hoyt’s wife with a knife.

His wife, Jessica Hoyt, told her side of the story today. She said on that day, she went for a walk to Food Lion with her two children in a stroller when she met White on the sidewalk.

She told the court she assumed White would move out the way but he didn’t. She said she asked White to step aside so she could pass with her stroller, but he refused and took a step closer.

She said she told White, “I have mace and I’m not afraid to use it.”

She said White told her, he had a knife and would stab her in the face. She told him she was going to call her husband who works in law enforcement.

She said White told her, “I’ll wait right here for him.”

Jessica Hoyt testified it took three minutes for her husband to arrive. During that time, she said both she and White stood there, waiting with her two children.

The defense and prosecution asked her why she didn’t call 911 or back up.

Jessica Hoyt told the court she was terrified, didn’t want to make any sudden movements, and trusted her husband to protect her.

She said her husband arrived in his truck and immediately jumped out and drew his gun.

She said the defendant identified himself as law enforcement and ordered White to the ground. She said White said, “I’m not getting on the ground.”

She said her husband holstered his weapon and tried to subdue White.

Jessica Hoyt said while they fought, White drew a knife. She said her husband pushed him away, drew his gun again, and shot White.

Jessica Hoyt testified her husband told her to call 911. Jurors heard that 911 call in court Tuesday where Jessica Hoyt told a 911 operator that her husband had White on the ground with his hands behind his back.

The prosecution pointed out that Jessica Hoyt was the first to make verbal threats and said White didn’t injure her or her husband.

The defense pointed out that Jessica Hoyt was intimidated by White’s size and demeanor, and a knife can be a deadly weapon.

Today, the prosecution showed autopsy photos of White’s body to the jury.

Dr. Gary Zientek performed White’s autopsy. He testified Hoyt shot White three times.

Two of the bullets hit major organs including White’s lung, stomach, and chest cavity. One bullet damaged his vertebra and rib.

Dr. Zientek removed two bullets from White’s body and turned them over to investigators at the Chesapeake Police Department.

He said toxicology reports detected no drugs or alcohol in White’s body.

Defense Attorney James Broccoletti questioned White’s height and weight.

Broccoletti called White a “well-developed male” standing at 6’1 and weighing 280 pounds.

He also asked Dr. Zientek about White’s medical history. The doctor testified White had a history of schizophrenia and anti-social behavior.

Dr. Zientek said he did further blood tests at the request of the Chesapeake investigators to test for antipsychotic medication. He said blood tests did not detect the medication.

Gayle Gordon

As a college student, making an extra buck now and then was very important. I started as a part-time reporter since I was 19 yo, and I couldn’t believe it might become a long-time career. I'm happy to be part of the Virginian Tribune's team.

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