U. S. News

President Biden authorizes an additional $18 million in order to help Democrats in winning seats in the House and Senate

A senior party official who is familiar with the plans said that President Biden has given the Democratic National Committee (DNC) permission to transfer $10 million to Democratic campaign committees for the House and the Senate, and that he has also pledged to assist in the fundraising of $8 million for Democratic party candidates.

The decision of the president to disburse the funds, which he is in a position to authorize as the leader of the Democratic Party, comes at a time when he is continuing to play a more subdued public role in the process of electing Democrats, in comparison to the public roles played by previous presidents as they crossed the halfway point of their first terms. However, Mr. Biden has shown himself to be an excellent fundraiser by hosting events in the most recent weeks in the states of California, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania, in addition to having another major fundraiser slated for the following week in the state of Florida.

It is planned that a total of $5 million will be given to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. This would mean that the DNC has given out a total of $27 million during this election cycle.

In a separate development, the President has committed to providing an additional $8 million to the two campaign committees “over the next three weeks via a mix of fundraisers, emails, and SMS messages, etc.”

CNN was the first news source to break the story of the money transfer.

Recent polling conducted by CBS News shows that Republicans continue to maintain a lead over Democrats in the House of Representatives. However, CBS News predicts that the majority that Republicans are anticipated to win in the House has been shrinking, having moved down to a bare majority in our model estimate. According to our calculations, Republicans were at 226 in August, whereas they had been at 230 in July. In order to gain a majority in the House, a party has to win a total of 218 seats.

Donald Wolfe

Donald’s writings have appeared in HuffPost, Washington Examiner, The Saturday Evening Post, and The Virginian-Pilot, among other publications. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia. He is the Virginian Tribune's Publisher.

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