Local News

Danville holds engagement walk to honor a local resident

DANVILLE, Va, – By doing engaging neighborhood walks, the Danville Police Department is working to continue to create ties with the people in their community step by step.

They were in the Westmoreland Neighborhood on Monday to remember a neighborhood leader who had died suddenly the previous year. He had been active in the area for many years.

Chief Scott Booth came up with the idea of naming the community engagement walks that would take place in September in honor of Norma Brower, a woman who was born in New Jersey but raised her family in Danville and placed a high value on helping others.

“I guess she saw something in the community that she liked,” said her longtime friend Bill Wilson.

Brower was one of the first few people to call on the Danville Police Department to do more — specifically, to show up in their areas. He worked on the fair housing board and was Vice President of the local NAACP branch. The Danville Police Department responded to the call.

Wilson said of Brower that she was a humble lady, saying, “She was the sort of person where it would mean a lot to her, but she wouldn’t be really like, ‘Hey! This is being done for me by them! ’”

Brower was very committed to the Westmoreland community, but she also extended her commitment to other neighborhoods around the city.

“This was one of the first neighborhoods when Chief Booth came here that he actually came through. There had been a crime situation down the street, and we met him right there,” said Westmoreland Neighborhood Organization President Clyde McCoy.

“Our crime numbers have dropped 50% since 2018 when Chief Booth got here,” explained Community Relations Liaison Ashtyn Foddrell. “We are continuing to try and keep those numbers low and build positive relationships.”

Every month, the Danville Police Department leads a walk around a new area, although the department encourages everyone to participate, regardless of where the walk takes place.

The objective is for everyone to watch out for each other as much as possible.

Please click here for details on the upcoming walks.

Marco Harmon

I was born and raised in Roanoke, VA. I studied Communications Studies at Roanoke College, and I’ve been part of the news industry ever since. Visiting my favorite downtown Roanoke bars and restaurants with my friends is how I spend most of my free time when I'm not at the desk.

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