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Carillon doctors advise you to take care of your heart health with the beginning of Heart Failure Awareness Week.

Roanoke, Virginia – As Heart Failure Awareness Week begins today, Carilion doctors are hoping that you are taking care of your heart health, which is a vital organ in your body.
Blood pressure has a tendency to increase as people get older, which causes the heart muscle to weaken.
People from western Virginia who have end-stage heart failure and want the best heart and vascular care can go to the Carilion’s Ventricular Assist Device Center in the area.
“The risk for heart failure increases as a person ages. So the number of cases for example in the US for heart failure is about 300-thousand cases per year, and the cases increase as the age of the group increases, so people over age 65 are at an increased risk,” said Dr. Daniel Pauly, the director of Heart Failure Cardiology and the LVAD program, or Left Ventricle Assist Device.
Certain young individuals are also at risk as a result of certain exposures. Factors such as past chemotherapy, genetics, and diabetes all increase your chances of developing heart failure in the future.

Donald Wolfe

Donald’s writings have appeared in HuffPost, Washington Examiner, The Saturday Evening Post, and The Virginian-Pilot, among other publications. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia. He is the Virginian Tribune's Publisher.

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