
COVID-19 latest information for Roanoke, Virginia


Roanoke, Virginia

Last reviewed

5/21/2021 9:34 a.m. EDT


As of March 1, Gov. Northam relaxed some restrictions for all Virginians

Social distancing

While in Phase 3, Virginia is operating in a “safer a home” mindset. Businesses are required to maintain at least 10 feet of distance for establishments where exercise activities, singing, or cheering is performed, and at least 6 feet of distance for all other settings.

Businesses and facilities

Non-essential retail and restaurants no longer have a cap on capacity as Virginia is in Phase 3; however, social distancing requirements still remain in effect.


With new restrictions, social gatherings are now limited to 10 people. Gov. Northam has also put a modified stay-at-home order in place from 12 a.m. to 5 a.m.

Healthcare status

There are 619 hospitalized patients confirmed positive for COVID-19 in Virginia, according to the Virginia Hospital & Healthcare Association. 128 people are receiving inpatient hospital care and have a pending COVID-19 test result. So far, 55,778 confirmed COVID-19 patients have been hospitalized and discharged.

Mask mandates

While Virginia remains in Phase 3, masks are required inside businesses. Gov. Ralph Northam has said that businesses should consider a “no shoes, no shirt, no mask, no service” policy. Businesses that don’t enforce social distancing and masks could have their licenses on the line, according to the governor.


Virginia is now in Phase 2. Everyone, 16 and older, who lives in Virginia is eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine.


Roanoke City Schools are planning to begin virtually. Roanoke County Public Schools have PreK-2nd grade students in school 5 days a week, With 3rd through 12th grade starting with two days a week in-person and three days online. Here’s a full breakdown of when and how Southwest Virginia students will return to school this fall.

Public Transport

Valley Metro is again collecting fares. Those using public transportation are required to wear a face covering. Buses are capped at 15 passengers at a time.

How to help

One way to help those in need is by donating blood. Currently, all blood donations will be tested for COVID-19 antibodies.

How to get help

Struggling with addiction while socially isolating? There are still ways you can get help!

Donald Wolfe

Donald’s writings have appeared in HuffPost, Washington Examiner, The Saturday Evening Post, and The Virginian-Pilot, among other publications. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia. He is the Virginian Tribune's Publisher.

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